A Complete Guide To Fly Pests

Introduction Signs Of Fly Infestations: If you see several of the following signs then you may be facing a fly infestation: live flies (many of them not just the odd one that flew in through the window) maggots or fly larvae clusters of dark spots on your walls (which is fly droppings) Flies are a […]

fruit flies pupae

A Complete Guide To Fruit Fly Pests

Fruit Flies As Pests As their name suggests, fruit flies are attracted to fruit – rotting/fermenting fruit to be more specific. They are, however, not restricted to fruits as their only source of nutrition but will also feed on other fermenting organic matter. With the ability to lay up to 400 eggs at a time […]


A Complete Guide To Silverfish Pests

The name might mislead you into thinking that these insects are related to fish: far from it. They actually got this name from their silvery colour and the fish-like appearance of their movement. Introduction Silverfish, otherwise known as fishmoths are small wingless insects that feed on starches, sugar, dextrin in adhesives and other carbohydrates/polysaccharides. Although […]

New Zealand Indoors Summer Insect Pests

Summer means warmer temperatures and warmer temperatures mean more bugs. Bugs reproduce at a higher rate during summer making them a bit more difficult to manage. Insects make your home uncomfortable to live in. They may not cause any harm to you, but just having them around is enough to annoy you – maybe even […]

Pest Control For Winter

Many pests will be looking for a safe haven over the winter season and many of them will seek refuge in your home because it is warm and provides them with a safe haven from the elements. Mice like to nest in basements and attics and can cause a serious amount of damage to your […]

Home Insect Control – Tips For Every Home Owner

There are plenty of things that you can do around the home for a variety of insect issues. First of all, if you have a lot of mosquitoes around your home you should investigate your garden and surrounding area nearby. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so if there are plenty of puddles and small containers […]

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