SKU: 5030075022541

Original price was: $2.50.Current price is: $2.00.

Green Sprouting Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) is a uniform well-rounded, variety with quality heads of tight beads, is vigorous and crops early, producing well flavoured heads over a long season.

How To Grow:

  • Sow late Summer and Autumn – earlier in cold districts, 5mm deep in seed tray or punnet.
  • Keep moist.
  • Transplant to final position when large enough to handle.
  • Plant firmly 60cm apart each way, water well.
  • May also be sown direct in clumps, later thinning to one seedling.
  • Seedlings emerge 6-10 days.
  • Fertilise regularly.

When To Plant: Late Summer to Autumn

Harvest: 12-16 weeks

Quantity: 500 seeds

In stock

Brand:DT Brown

Broccoli Green Sprouting

Green Sprouting Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) is a highly valued variety known for its uniform growth and high-quality heads. This vigorous broccoli produces well-formed heads with tight beads, offering a consistent and flavorful crop throughout the growing season. It’s an early producer, providing tender, delicious broccoli over an extended period, making it a reliable choice for gardeners seeking both quality and quantity.

This broccoli variety stands out for its ability to yield an abundance of flavorful heads across a long season. Its resilience and ability to produce high-quality crops make it ideal for both home gardeners and commercial growers. Whether used in everyday meals or gourmet dishes, Green Sprouting Broccoli adds a fresh, nutritious touch to your table. With 500 seeds per packet, you can enjoy a plentiful supply of this versatile vegetable throughout the year.



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