SKU: 5030075022339

Original price was: $2.50.Current price is: $2.00.

The Whangaparoa Crown Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) is a popular heirloom variety, thin grey skin and deep orange flesh, making it ideal for roasting, with the added bonus of excellent storing properties.

How To Grow:

  • Sow 12mm deep direct in final position when soil has warmed up.
  • Sow seeds in clumps of 2 seeds, spacing each clump 60cm apart.
  • Soil should not be over fertilised to avoid excessive leaf growth. Keep well watered.
  • When young plants have 5 or 6 leaves pinch out their growing tips to encourage side shoots.
  • Seedlings emerge 6-10 days.

When To Plant:

South Island: Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
North Island: Jan, Feb, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Harvest: 16-18 weeks

Quantity: 10 seeds

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Brand:DT Brown

Whangaparoa Crown Pumpkin

The Whangaparoa Crown Pumpkin is a cherished heirloom variety, renowned for its thin grey skin and vibrant deep orange flesh. This pumpkin stands out for its exceptional roasting qualities and impressive storage capabilities, making it a staple in both home and professional kitchens.

With its robust, rich flavor, the Whangaparoa Crown Pumpkin is perfect for roasting, soups, and pies. Its deep orange flesh becomes sweet and tender when cooked, enhancing any dish it graces. Additionally, this variety’s excellent storing properties mean you can enjoy its fresh, delicious taste well beyond the harvest season.

This pumpkin variety grows well in a sunny position with well-drained soil. It’s crucial to avoid over-fertilizing to prevent excessive leaf growth. Instead, focus on providing ample water to support healthy growth. When the young plants have developed 5 to 6 leaves, pinching out their growing tips will help promote a better yield of side shoots.

Overall, the Whangaparoa Crown Pumpkin is a versatile, flavorful, and reliable choice for gardeners seeking both culinary delight and long-term storage. With just 10 seeds per packet, you can cultivate this heirloom gem and enjoy its benefits throughout the year.



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