A superior Metal Cage trap for live capture of rats. The trap door is operated by two powerful springs that close the trap very quickly, leaving little chance for rodents to escape.
Simply apply a suitable bait attractant to the hook and the door is triggered when a rat pulls on the bait.
Quick and easy to set, this rat cage is ideal for indoor or outdoor use.
Strong build, with strong springs, this is the trap for you!
Dorothy Simpson (verified owner) –
Goods arrived quickly and were well packed. I like this style trap for catching rats. (We end up with an occasional hedgehog but they can easily be set free!) However I was dismayed to find that a possum had taken a liking to our bait (I had used kumara and peanut butter) – must have got caught but managed to escape and in the process took off the springs in its effort to escape. It left droppings too. Here is a link to a photo. https://scontent.fakl1-4.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/432249388_330818332832157_2994683451044440938_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=-5cCpRLlZ_wAX9ZCXsD&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-4.fna&oh=03_AdQ-Km9hwvQPcIcWRKmoja4azJDPtLe3s2h7Tgh1AK1IBw&oe=661D91A1
I am hoping husband can get the springs back so it is in working order again. We have some good size rats on the Ruawai flats that need catching! I have put a Timms trap by that peach tree but the possums are very cunning and don’t seem to like yellow! Peaches all gone now!