
Controlling Dog Pests

A Complete Guide To Stray Dog Pests

Dogs As Pests It’s quite frustrating when dogs keep straying into your yard and causing all sorts of messes. They dig around destroying your lawn and plants, and to make matters worse they also defecate in your garden or on your lawn, leaving you with the unpleasant task of waste disposal. If you have pets […]

How Do I Remove Household Pests?

A pest infestation is a problem every house owner will have to face at some point. Pests are not only unsightly to have around but could cause a host of problems to your family and property. Pests will cause the following problems when they invade your home: They’ll damage property. Almost all pests will cause […]

How Do I remove Pests From The Garden

Pests can cause a number of problems when they invade your home garden. They will damage your plants, dig up your lawn, defecate on your property leaving a stinky mess for you to clean up, and can cause a lot of discomfort for your family as well as your pet. Some of the common garden […]

New Zealand Summer Pests

Like autumn and raking leaves, summer seems to go together with pests. And just like clockwork, summertime is nigh, which makes it the perfect time to start preparing for those nasty intruders. Research actually shows that about 67 percent of homeowners are more concerned about pest infestations during summer. Most pests reproduce during this time […]

Possums Apply Here

We had an elderly couple come into the store who told us about their adventures with possums. The wife used to be a milliner when she was younger and had quite the thriving business. Once she went into retirement, she stored some of her cocktail hats away in a set of drawers out in their garage […]


Teething Troubles

A Pestrol customer revealed to us the amount of damage that rats can cause when left to roam about as they please. His house was beset by rats who ate through the water pipes in the walls of the house. This rodent rampage went without notice for quite some time, until some interior walls of the house […]


Bombs Away!

Here at Pestrol we hear some pretty fascinating stories that our customers regale us with concerning all manner of pests. One such story comes from a woman who was visited by a rodent friend entering her house via a rather unusual route. In search of water, the rat had made its way in between the walls of the building and proceeded […]

Doc Meeting to Discuss Predator Control

Minister of Conservation Maggie Barry will be joined by a top Department of Conservation scientist in Queenstown today to announce the 2016 Battle for our Birds pest control programme. Graeme Elliott will also be present at a meeting in Glenorchy to talk about a planned 1080 aerial drop in the region, including the Dart, Routeburn […]

Snug Bugs Won’t Buzz Off

Unusually warm weather has allowed far more wasps, flies and mosquitoes to survive the colder months. Flies, mosquitoes and other irritating insects are still buzzing around in winter as record temperatures trigger an explosion in the bug population. Unusually warm weather has allowed far more wasps, flies and mosquitoes to survive the colder months. Viv […]

A Complete Guide To Rat Pests

Rats are medium-sized, long-tailed rodents that are common pests in homes all over the world. Although there’re several reasons why you wouldn’t want these pests inside your home, the most prominent is their destructive nature. Rats gnaw on almost any material they come across from wire insulation to plastic pipes. This not only causes expensive […]

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